Fifth week of Big Game project – Alpha

This week we had to crunch to get our alpha up and running. It was exhausting but it felt very rewarding when we finally had a game playable at the end of Friday.

I started the week with working on the experience system. The plan was that everything that you could kill would grant experience. So to do this I created a script that I could attach to every gameobject that could die. The script works as this; it have a value that determines how much experience the object will give, it have a collider that add object within a radius of the object to a list and when the object dies it gives experience to the first object with the same tag as the object that killed it.

I wanted a system that is easy to maintain and modify so our designer can work very efficient and do a lot of tuning with how long it takes to level and how much the different parts of the game reward the players.

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